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CORABEL is the ultimate effort in a series of initiatives from nationals and residents  from Roche-à-Bateau  to regroup  for the well-being of their common city.  Indeed, following the failure of regroupings like the  CRAB and  ARAB,  rock-to-batelais, for the most part  established in Florida at the head of which we found Jean-Michel Barthe and Loubert Cadet organized in the summer of 2004 a weekend of reunion in the city of Roche-à-Bateau in order to renew long-lost ties and reconcile a population divided by political quarrels that had  ended up annihilating any desire to live together and  relegate the municipality to the rank of dead last in terms of  local development on the south coast of Haiti.


This reunion was a great opportunity for renewal for many of these nationals who had deserted for ages this land which saw them born and grow for the most part. TO  At the end of this weekend, the desire to reoffend was very strong and soon the idea sprouted to do more than annual reunions, but to design a structure capable of carrying out sustainable development projects in the town. This idea took the form of a non-profit organization called  CORABEL (Roche-à-Batelaise Coalition for Local Expansion) registered in the State of Florida (United States).

Consultations were held in parallel with roche-à-batelais established in the country and abroad, in particular in Canada and in other states of the United States, in order to constitute local branches of CORABEL. This is how around January 2005, Montreal and then Ottawa followed suit. Haiti, which has been a committee for some time, will take steps to obtain legal recognition as a non-profit organization.

Towards the summer of 2005, three branches of CORABEL were formed, the American branch (Miami), the Canadian branch (Montreal and Ottawa) registered both federally and in the province of Quebec and the Haitian branch (Roche-à-Bateau and Port au Prince).



The basic idea was that each city where roche-à-batelais are established has its branch of CORABEL. Hence the name of movement  that some still like to use. The 2005 structure has not changed much. Attempts to form branches in New York and Boston have yet to bear fruit. In addition, the Ottawa committee which, along with Montreal, was the other side of the Canadian branch was dissolved. Towards the end of 2008, its members formally integrated the representation of Montreal that gave birth to it.

Otherwise, each branch of CORABEL is autonomous and legally registered in the country where it operates. Also, each branch also has the capacity to carry out its own actions and in the event of the dissolution of a branch, the others can easily continue their actions.  activities.

However, since their creation, the branches have worked together and have created similar structures. At the head of each branch is a governing body, the name of which varies from country to country. And since 2009, CORABEL has had a council of coordinators which jointly executes the decisions taken by the base. These coordinators also have a mandate from the annual general assembly of the various representations meeting in Roche-à-Bateau in 2008,  to constitute a rotating coordination body at three administrative levels: general coordination, general secretariat and general treasury.


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Vallès Latry


André Antoine

Secretary Treasurer

Enide Jean-Baptiste.jpg.opt211x237o0,0s2
Enide John the Baptist


Jean-Mari Silné

To advise

Bernard Foreste Lucien

To advise

Pierre Wilny Tessono

To advise

Pierre Antoine

To advise

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